Sunday, November 12, 2006

Ceci n'est pas une blog

Howdy, folks. Baxil here -- the Baxil of Accept no imitations.

I already have a journal; I already have a website. I'm not leaving or moving either one of them. But there's a reason I'm writing this* on a service I don't intend to become a regular user of.

Last month, I discovered I was a victim of identity theft; someone was reposting my material here under my name. After getting that resolved, I came here to grab baxil-dot-blogspot in an effort to keep this from happening again. I know that colonizing abused domains that way is like trying to plug up a sieve with your finger, but at least this way it feels like I'm doing something about it.

Anyway, if you want to visit my journal, is the place. My contact information is listed here. Feel free to add me as an LJ-friend or to add my rss feed to your reading list. I don't bite.

- Bax

* hay I'm on ur website [sfw] postin ur blogz [nsfw]. ];=8)